paulo is here

Saturday, 21 February 2009


The bus journey was not that bad. I could moan about lots of things but the fact that matters is:

If there was no cheap bus I would have to source some alternative and perhaps expensive transportation so I’m glad that Greyhound exists.

Highlights of the bus ride:

  • This lady told me that she didn’t eat Chinese food because they eat dog and other disgusting stuff in China Town. It begged the question: “”Which China Town in particular?” Her answer was “The country of China Town, of course!” Yeah, of course!
  • Another guy, a rather friendly one, was leaving his home town for the very first time in order to spend some time with his buddies in Panama City. Very knowledgeable about videos games and movies. When I asked what the story of his home town was, his immediate reply was “I dunno…there’s a Mall, a Wal-Mart, a drive thru, that’s it man!”
What was the lesson learned on this long trip? China Town is a country (I should have known) and there are towns with no stories, but they will most definitely have big Department Stores.

Ciao 4 now


Friday, 20 February 2009


After waking up, played with my new laptop and as I couldn’t get any WiFi signal in the flat decided to go downstairs to the front door of the building in the hope of getting a better signal.

Bingo! Managed to put my new machine to a thorough and extensive test drive.

Later on, Reuben transferred some of the cools songs that I listened to on my stay in Miami into my new laptop.

This way, I’ll have some sort of soundtrack of my travels. Reuben had to help his younger brother move houses so said my goodbyes to my new friend.

Vicky was ever so thoughtful and took me to the Greyhound Bus Station. Hugging her good bye, I was ready to board the bus to New Orleans.

Rueben and Victoria have the most amazing friendship. They know each other since University/College days, call each other several times a day, share the car when needed and do their best to have meals together. I ‘m sure they will stay friends for ever and ever.

Ciao 4 now


Thursday, 19 February 2009


Woke up early with the bright sunlight hitting the window. Fully rested decided to go to the Miami Greyhound Station in order to collect my ticket for tomorrow’s 22 hours bus journey to New Orleans, Louisiana. Got my bus ticket and checked out some streets in town as well as Bayside Marketplace.

Back at the flat, Reuben and I went out again, this time to meet up with a German CouchSurfing girl called Franzisca, that was visiting Miami Beach. The three of us walked up to and had a beer at one of the bars.

Then Reuben drove us up to a Department store so I could buy my new toy: an Acer Aspire One, followed by an amazing takeout dinner with Chicken, fried banana and delicious Yucca drenched with Mojito mix at the very first Cuban neighborhood in Miami: Hialeah

That night we all went to a bar called “Ayer igual que hoy” where we shared a few more beers listening to some funky music.

Ciao 4 now


Wednesday, 18 February 2009


That same evening, my host prepared a nice Cuban fish dinner as well as burned rice… ;-)

As Reuben informed that Vicky would be back soon I headed out to the nearest shop and got a bottle of Menage a Trois Rose Wine so we could wash it all down.

Ended up just being just me and Reuben eating and drinking so no Menage a Trois just for now.

Later on, knackered and with a full stomach, ended up falling asleep on my new CouchSurfing bed.

Ciao 4 now



The last part of the trip was to take a bus totaling this journey to 3 long interesting hours.

Finally I arrive at Washington Avenue in Miami Beach.

Decided to get a T-Mobile SIM card so I could at least be able to contact my future CouchSurfing host, be reachable and what not.

With a new phone number set up I called my host Reuben, who informed that he was just a few blocks down having lunch with his flatmate Vicky.

Shortly afterwards I joined them at this Latin restaurant. Reuben had this genuine smile and interest in people that is so contagious. Vicky was also very friendly and I thought that these two new friends were fantastic.

After a short conversation and some food we went back to their flat. Nice and cozy flat with an amazing seafront view. From his balcony we could see Miami and all the seafront celebrity houses with their huge yachts moored up front. ‘We had the best seats in the house’ as one might say.

Unpacked my stuff and conversed a wee bit longer with Reuben and then decided to check out the beach. As I walked across the warm sand, feeling the cool breeze on my face, all I could think was “I’m here at last!

Ciao 4 now



Another lady joins this never ending train journey and sat next to me. Noticed that she was reading what looked like the Holy Book as well as listening to the soundtrack of her life on her iPod.

Curious as I am, asked if that black book was The Bible. She said that she was indeed reading it as well as listening to the gospels with her iPod, that way she expected to comprehend it better.

Also found out that her family came from the Canary Islands (just up the road from Madeira), was a Bible Teacher (Jehovah Witness) and she was preparing herself to go on a preaching mission down Mexico.

We talked a while about life, my traveling, she read out a couple lines from The Bible about evil and Satan and she told me that I should seek the Bible Teachers in Mexico if I need any help.

At the final stop, she shook my hand, smiled beautifully and wished me good luck.

I can’t recall her name, so if this lady ever read this, kindly hit me up with a comment, the Bible quote and I’ll edit this blog entry to add that plus your name.

Ciao 4 now



Upon arrival to the correct train platform, still in West Palm Beach, I sat down on a bench next to an elderly lady reading a novel.

Glancing over noticed that the book had Cyrillic characters therefore asked her if she her book was Russian. She replied “yes” and for the next hour she would narrate her story.

Of Jewish origin, she was forced to flee Moscow with her baby son in the early 80’s after being marked by an anti-Semitic group.

I was rather surprised by this statement because my understanding was that after the 2nd World War holocaust, Jewish people were no longer being chased and murdered but I stand corrected.

She was granted entry to the US 0f A. and aided by a huge Jewish community located somewhere in the north part of country.

2 Years ago, still hating Russia and loving America, she moved down to West Palm Beach just to be closer to her son, now an adult working man living in Miami.

Finally, she informed me that she will never return to Russia, let me know her name (Faina), left the train and wished me good luck on my travels.

Ciao 4 now



Landed in West Palm Beach Airport just after 8am and headed out to the exit to ask at the only visible taxi desk how much it would cost me to get to Miami Beach. Was quoted over 200 US Dollars, the weather was excellent (hot, hot hot!) and I wasn’t in any immediate rush, so decided to do what any proud hobo would do: Public transport.

Found out that a local bus to the nearest train station followed by a long train ride until Miami plus a second bus to was all I needed to reach my destination. Best part? It would cost me less than $8 total.

Easy peasy…or so I thought.
Fist bus arrived shortly so no much waiting. A few passengers were trying to get to their jobs and me to the nearest train station.
After a couple stops a Latin guy gets in the bus and asked very politely if anyone would like to purchase bottled waters or Gatorades. Water was $1, Gator $2. As no one was interested, he thanked the passengers and promptly exited the bus as some guy shouted “Everyone wants a dollar!” which got a few chuckles and so the bus moved on.
Soon was my turn to get off the bus and commence the second part of my ride.
Ciao 4 now


My avid followers and readers demanded blog entries in English, thus I’ll comply.


Al entrar al avión con destino a west Palm Beach, mire’ las noticias y alucine’ con la ultima, la ultima:

Una mujer nueva lorquina había llamado la policía gritando que su chimpancé había atacado su amiga y la estaba matando! De pronto llego la NYPD y mataron el mono disparándole varias veces. Su víctima se encuentra en cuidados intensivos en el Hospital.

Resulta que la dueña del mono le daba antidepresivos a menudo y cuando vio la amiga de su dueña con un peinado distinto la a ataco’.

Solo en América!

Ciao 4 now



Finalmente llegamos a New York y después de pasar por los controles de pasaporte y aduanas pillamos el tren hasta el centro de Manhattan para dar unas vueltas.

No estábamos en absoluto preparados para el frio que se presento en la ciudad, quedamos my poco rato en Downtown, solamente vimos las luces y neones de Times Square y comimos una hamburguesa en el Mcdonalds de la zona, y de pronto nos regresamos al Aeropuerto y terminamos nuestra pequeña odisea en New York durmiendo en el suelo del terminal 4 (lo mas tranqui de los 8 terminales que componen JFK).

A las 5 de la mañana me despedí de mi tocaya (tenia su vuelo de conexión a San Diego por la tarde) y embarque’ mi vuelo con destino a West Palm Beach en Florida.

Me encanto’ tener la oportunidad de conocer a Paula, nos reímos un montón y estoy seguro que nos volveremos a encontrar en un futuro no muy lejano o por las Américas o de vuelta a España.

Ciao 4 now



Pasadas las 4 horas de escala en Dublín (que desde luego pasaron volando) volvimos a entrar al avión con destino a New York.

Paulo Martins (Yo) y Paula Martinez (Mi tocaya) continuamos a charlar sobre nuestros planes futuros, del pasado, un sinfín de temas que me llevaría todo el día a contar aquí en este blog.

El azafato asignado a nuestra zona del avión se llamaba Máximo Cornetta y tenía unas cerras tan finitas y redonditas sin muchas expresiones faciales. Podría estar completamente sorprendido pero no se le notaba…..

Yo de verdad pensaba que no nos darían nada de comida o bebida puesto que era un vuelo de Low Cost y por experiencia propia, no te dan ni 1 vasito de agua.

No obstante, de pronto Máximo empieza a repartir agua, coca-colas, comensales completos con primero (ensalada), segundo (arroz con pollo) y postre y finalmente antes de aterrizar nos brindo’ con una merienda.

Máximo curro’ un huevo siempre atento a las necesidades de los pasajeros, especialmente dos irlandeses sentados en mi izquierda que se pusieron hasta las cejas de vino, cerveza y vodka.
Cuando se levantaban para ir a los aseos tambaleaban que pensé que el avión iba a dar vueltas!

Ciao 4 now



Aun en el Aeropuerto del Prat, Barcelona, le escuche comentar por el móvil que iba a San Diego, con escalas en Dublín y New York. “Ya tengo compañero de viaje hasta New York” pensé yo.

No obstante solamente hemos logrado hablar unos minutitos antes de entrar al avión que nos llevaría a nuestra primera escala del día, Dublín. Nuestros asientos asignados estaban a una gran distancia por lo tanto aproveche la oportunidad para dormir un buen rato.

Una vez en Dublín, nos dirigimos al balcón donde nos darían la tarjeta de embarque para nuestro segundo tramo del viaje. Compramos un sándwich de pollo por 5 Eur y en vez de comprar canas decidimos comprar una caja de 12 Heineken por 11 Eur.

Entonces empezamos a hablar y resulta que mi nuevo compañero de viaje es asturiana, se llama PAULA MARTINEZ, que es la versión Española y femenina de mi nombre (PAULO MARTINS), dejo su trabajo para viajar por Norte América y ambos llevábamos vaqueros azules, camiseta roja y jaqueta negra.

Que fuerte, que fuerte!

A una persona que comparta tu nombre se le llama TOCAYO pero como se llama a lo que acaba de ocurrir?

Menos mal que tenemos un montón de características distintas tales como: fuma, no le gusta el jugo de caña de azúcar, etc. sino seriamos una copia idéntica uno del otro!

Ciao 4 now


Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Preparado... listo... YA!

Sentado en la puerta de embarque 15 esperando que un altavoz amariconao anuncie el embarque del avión que nos llevará a West Palm Beach.

Pedro se había comprometido a llevarme al aeropuerto, pero al final he tenido que coger un taxi puesto que la grúa había llevado su coche. Vaya putada. Fue una despedida muy rápida, un abrazo a Pedro y "un beso+1 te quiero mucho" a Juliana. Por lo menos no han tenido tiempo para despedidas tristes!

A través de este cuaderno de bitácora, mi fami, mis amores y amistades podrán seguir mis andanzas por el continente latino.

He tenido mucha suerte con el vuelo (será' suerte o algo más?):
Tenía pensado quedarme en Nueva York unos 3 días, después coger el bus Greyhound a las playas de Miami y finalmente pasarme por Nueva Orleans antes de cruzar la frontera a México.

Resulta que el Carnaval de New Orleans, más conocido por Mardi Gras (Martes Gordo) se celebra pasado 4 días de mí llegada a América. Se hago las cosas según el plan original llegaría mucho después de las festividades y no queriendo perder la oportunidad, decidí omitir New York e ir directamente a Miami.

Pues nada, me meto en la página de Aer Lingus, me compro un vuelo de Barcelona a Dublín, otro de Dublín a West Palm Beach (cerquita de Miami) y resultao: hay que hacer una escala de 12 horas. Y donde? New York!

Perfesto! Tiempo suficiente pa pasar un ratillo en la Gran Manzana! Y puesto que el Subway (metro de NY) está abierto to la noche no tendré' problemas pa volver al aeropuertito y pillar el vuelo a Miami.

Bueno ahora viene la dolorosa:
BCN -> Dublín: 40.41
Dublín -> West Palm: 208.81
Total: 249.22 Euritos!

Si tenéis pensado ir a Norte América de vacas, os recomiendo pasar por la pagina de Aerlingus pues tienen unos chollos impresionantes (Ida y vuelta a New York por 262.61 EUR)! El truco es uno darse cuenta de que no vuelan a América desde Barcelona, si no desde Dublín, es decir, hay que comprar dos vuelos por separado: uno a Dublín y otro al destino final.

Y que os decía? El mariconcete ya nos está llamando: "El embarque del vuelo con destino a Dublín va empezar ahora. Por favor dirigense a la puerta de embarque numero..... "

Ciao 4 now


Monday, 9 February 2009

Travel Itinerary - first draft

Using the ever so useful, I was able to trace a rough itinerary.

Anyways, the map is fully interactive, therefore you can zoom in+out or drag it around as you please.

Mind you, it will definitely change its course and I will update it when I figure out which route I'll be taking.

Ciao 4 now


Hi & welcome to my blog!

My name is Paulo and I'm about to set foot on a Grande Adventure across Latin America.

This will be my journal, and its sole purpose will be to narrate my travels down the American Continent to all the beautiful people that, one way or another, came to be part of my life & to all relationships that I was blessed with throughout the years in Portugal, in England, in Spain and finally in The Netherlands.

Expect entries covering all different aspects of my travels:

from eating spicy burritos to Cesaria Evora latest songs,

from the best beach spot to the best margarita recipe,

from Bollywood movies to an afternoon on bus number 17,

from boat trips to yoga asanas,

from smoking apple flavoured shishas to stretching my spine with Alexander Technique,

from checking out the local market to chatting to my nieces on Skype,

from brewing trapist beer to missing my round bed,

from “pescando ilusões” to “taxistas poetas”,

from betting on cock fights to singing solo Karaoke,

from bondage parties to watching my fav sitcom,

from “tomando mate” to “encontar el Duende”,

from feet massage to fancy calligraphy,

from allowing others in My Reality to getting RSI if I don’t give myself a break right about now!

Also every now & again I will recap past anecdotes of my life for your reading pleasure, and, as I have a rather varied background, do expect entries in Portuguese, Spanish and by all means, English!

BRIEF TRAVEL BIO: Born in the gorgeous Portuguese Island of Madeira, moved to London in 1996, spent over 3 years in Spain between Madrid and Barcelona, less than a year in Amsterdam and just getting ready for my flight to America on the 17th Feb 2009.

How long will I be traveling?

Dunno. I suppose, for as long as I can stretch it! Obviously, it will depend on a hell lot of factors like the following:

Sun, Sea & beach: “Como eu sou de uma ilha do atlântico, preciso saber que aquele mar esta próximo de mim, preciso sentir e cheirar a marisia, senão…”

Food: “No puedo sin mi Paella de Domingo ni sin mi Pan tomaca! ¡A ver como lo montamos!”

Money & Job: As everyone will agree, an income is vital (any ideas?)!

And a hell lot more stuff that I can’t come up with right now.

To my *new* readers:

If by any chance we cross paths on the street, on the bus, in the beach, in the Salsa classes, be cool and say Hi.

Do fasten your seatbelts and enjoy!


PS - Use the OPINIONS section bellow to add remarks, tips, ideas, questions, rants or just to wish me Good Luck!: